
Dash integration request due to high bitcoin fees

med4u 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4


First thank you for the quality of your service, I really enjoy using my debit card and top it up with cryptocurrencies. But one thing is sad these days : bitcoin transaction fees and delays!

I wish you could integrate Dash support: instant confirmations (1-3 seconds), low fees, and it seems very easy to integrate when you already support bitcoin. I know I can use dash with shapeshift : but I have to pay bitcoin fees... (5 € for last transaction!)

Some companies like bitcart.io even drop bitcoin to be dash-only because of bitcoin congestion.




Dear Med4u,

Thank you for your suggestion. We already support Dash, please see https://www.bitwala.io/bitwala-is-now-accepting-dash/ for more details. 

Kind regards,

Bitwala Team


Thank you for you answer.
You accept Dash through shapeshift and shapeshift convert it to bitcoin... And as a customer I have to pay those huge fees.
I asked in my message if you could accept dash directly.

Kind regards,


Dear Med4u,

We would like to integrate Dash and other Altcoins the same way we have done with Bitcoin, however we are missing an infrastructure with exchanges. One day!

Kind regards,

Bitwala Team